Valencia CF and Fundació VCF to rebuild the football field at Sedaví municipal Sports Complex
José Francisco Cabanes, Mayor of Sedaví: “We will never forget this act of solidarity to help us rebuild our town”
During the summer of 2023, Valencia CF, through the VCF Foundation, launched, as it does every season, a donation of sports equipment to countries in Africa and America. These actions are part of the social responsibility project that Valencia Club de Fútbol is carrying out: VCF World.
Valencia Club de Fútbol collaborates throughout the year with associations and non-profit organizations with the aim of taking football and the Valencia badge to all parts of the world. At the end of each season, the Club usually donates sports material from previous seasons to the neediest countries in Africa and America.
Donations to Africa and America
The club has collaborated with the Al-Aldala Valencia Association, Valencian Association for Childhood and Youth Solidarity, Together for Life Foundation, Youth Revolution Foundation and Bombers pel Món to donate sports equipment (shirts, polo shirts, jackets, pants, tights...) to municipalities such as Tindouf (Algeria), Benin (Africa), Ngomanene (Uganda, Africa) and Jarabacoa (Dominican Republic).
Solidarity Actions
In addition to this action, the Club also carries out a number of solidarity activities such as the collection tables with the Red Cross of the Valencian Community and the Spanish Association Against Cancer; the ADN Mestalla Solidari project (3rd edition) through which visibility is given to various NGOs and Associations of the Valencian Community at Mestalla on match days; solidarity auctions with the MatchWornShirt entity; and collaborations with the Food Bank.
VCF World
Valencia CF launched this season VCF WORLD, a new social project whose main focus will be to raise awareness against racism and to prevent, educate and act against any type of abuse and discrimination such as bullying or homophobia, among others.
This initiative began with the publication of a decalogue of behavior against discrimination that has been developed by Valencia CF with the special collaboration of the psycho-education department of the VCF Academy and that includes values applicable both inside the Camp de Mestalla, as well as outside the stadium.
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The CEE Rosa Llácer de Castellar and CEIP San Blas de Albal, first centers to receive them, as a result of the collaboration of Valencia CF and Fundació VCF with Divina Seguros and Proyectos Extraordinarios.
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